  • Posted on: 20 March 2020

According to the State National Population Report of 2014, 55% of women  witness violence before the age of 15 against 9.8% of men. 90% of  these cases are perpetrated  by family (husbands,fathers,brothers and close relatives). Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most dominant forms of Human Rights violations among the Indigenous Mbororo communities in Cameroon and one of the most common unreported perils affecting 2/10 Women and Girls. Communities perceive gender based violence as a peculiar problem regarding women only, thus the victims are left on their own.


FFAC is geared towards strengthening Community Responses to End Sexual and gender based violence and to improve access to quality services for Women and Girls in three Regions in Cameroon ( North West ,Center and west Regions). We work  in collaboration with Administrative, Judiciary and Traditional Authorities involved in issues of legality and legitimacy in resolving issues of GBV with focus on strategies to: reduce procedural delays of Sexual violence cases in court; aid speedy access to justice and to support survivors who are victims of GBV;create awareness on SGBV through stimulating a change in mindset of community members especially the male folk to regard violence perpetrated on the female folk as a community concern not as a problem regarding women; mobilizing communities as watch group to monitor, communicate, prevent and provide temporal psychosocial support to victims and litigate all such abuses;establishing self-esteem of victims of violence through psychosocial counselling , support women and girls of gender based violence with income generating activities for survival and autonomy.

  • Conducted data collection comprised of identifying the level of knowledge on Sexual and Gender Base Violence (SGBV) it was conducted in 2017 in five communities of Cameroon  in the North West Region. Results indicate that 38.3% of  victims of human rights violation and GBV are reported while a larger percentage of 61.7  these violations are not reported
  • Since 2017 FFAC has Built the Capacity of 240 benevolent Women and Girls from 10 communities( Ndu, Nkambe, Mbiame, Zhoa, Santa , Wum, Koutaba, Fundong, Yaounde1 and yaounde 2) on strategies, steps and tools in resolving, reporting and referring issues of sexual and gender based violence. FFAC also created community focal persons  Monitoring GBV and Early Warning Committees assisting survivors of SGBV as well as engaging in measures necessary to protect and defend the rights of women or girls and thus reducing threats and incidences of SGBV.
  • FFAC equally Provided medical support and temporal shelters to 100 Women and Girls victims of gender based violence within the ten communities since 2017.
  • Signed memorandums of understanding with 10 community radios to raise awareness about gender based violence and broadcasting of spot messages on gender based violence.
  • 120 traditional and religious leaders were trained on the ills of gender based violence, 5  negative  cultural norms were reviewed and 3 abolished.
  • Capacity building for 10 Indigenous girls on the technics of self defense against violence in Yaoundé organized by One Billion Rising Cameroon 15 of February 2020
