  • Posted on: 20 April 2020

The Cameroon Indigenous women’s Forum in partnership with Amplify change organised a workshop with stakeholders in 10 communities in the North west, Center and West Region of Cameroon to resolve Human Right challenges through the identification of socio-cultural norms that enhance the practice of SGBV, its effects and the institutions that are established to fight against GBV. The workshop kicked off from the 20th Feb to 20th of March 2020 with the official opening from the different Mayors and Divisional Officers of the Municipalities. The close to 240 Human Right activist collectively sorted out the raison d’etre behind the low use of public services aimed at addressing social upheavals and hence proposed a way forward on means of redressing the situation and augmenting the usage of these social services to help resolve Human Right challenges. At the end of the participatory session, the roles and opportunities offered by various duty bearers were well emphasized on, to ease its usage and accessibility.