  • Posted on: 11 May 2020

100 Indigenous Women and Girls have been empowered on income generating activities and facilities to fight the COVID-19 by the Non-Governmental Organization known as Forum des Femmes Autochtones du Cameroun (FFAC), otherwise known in English as Cameroon Indigenous Women Forum (CAIWOF) coordinated by Madam Bouba Aeisatu Ibrahim. The women IDPs and victims of gender based violence of the North West received their consignments from the hands of Mbakwa Clara Yongoba chief of the Bamenda 1 social center and Tata Emmanuella Djomoa director of the Bamenda 1 Women’s Empowerment Center. The action is within the framework of rehabilitation and integration of indigenous women victims of gender based violence to carry out income generating activities to enable them become autonomous and their living standards. The move is within the framework of “Strengthening the Community Response to End Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Improving Quality Services for Women and Girls” in e in three regions in Cameroon. The initiative is supported by “Amplify Change”

The Indigenous Women and girls have been provided with sewing machines, materials and other components for those doing tailoring. Gas plates, gas bottles, red and groundnut oil and food stuffs amongst other items for those operating restaurants. Capital for mobile money transfer and call box operators. Articles for provision stores operators. Chicks, cages and feed for those breathing table birds and loads of fuel wood for those who are retailing. They were equally sensitized and provided with buckets with taps, soap, sanitizers and face masks to help protect against COVID -19.

Out of the 100 Indigenous women, 38 of them are drawn from the Bamenda 1,2 and 3 sub divisions and 18 from Santa in the North West region, 30 from Yaoundé in the Center region and 14 in Koutaba in the West region.

Both authorities Mbakwa Clara Yongoba and Tata Emmanuella Djomoa used the occasion to thank the authorities of FFAC and their partner “Amplify Change” for the initiative. They equally urged the beneficiaries to make good use of all that is given to them so as to improve on their livelihood.

Miriama Hamadou  from Mbengwi and foulla Ester from Batibo on behalf of all the beneficiaries thanked the donors in a special way and pledged to use all that have been provided judiciously. It will help us take care of our children’s school needs, medical bills, house rents and our personal needs they added. The package was delivered to the beneficiaries by Marina Atanga, Gender and Child Protection officer of FFAC.