  • Posted on: 29 April 2020

Indigenous people particularly Women and Girls still have a great difficulty in accessing potable water in Cameroon. Unimproved water sources are major causes of illnesses and diseases to indigenous people. Infections associated with drinking water remain a major public health concern. The environment surrounding the area where water is carried is unhygienic and open to a lot of infections given that the cattle also drink from there. The main source of water is mostly natural springs and sources indicate that the water is used for drinking purposes. The average distance of these springs to households varies from 200km-5km. Lack of portable water has made life difficult for indigenous people. Can there be development in 2035 when there still exist people who can’t have access to potable drinking water?

Besides the lack of access to potable water prevents the indigenous people from fully applying the government measures of washing hands regularly to prevent the Covid-19.