  • Posted on: 10 August 2021

FFAC Joined  the world to Commemorate the International Day of Indigenous People 2021 by  organizes a round table discussion on the 9th of August 2021 at FELYDAC HOTEL in Yaounde on the theme : ‘2030 Agenda : Indigenous Women and Girls’ in Cameroon. The round table discussion have as objective; To Improve the consideration of Indigenous Women in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This brought together 35 participants including public administrations, United Nation agencies, National Commission on the Human Rights and Liberty, Representatives of Indigenous Women Organizations , indigenous Women and Girls.

The presentation were on : SDGs 5 and 4 and human rights that was presented by madame Feitou Hainat Regine Solange human rights Officer for UNCHRD –CA, Objective 4  (Qualité education) by Madame Ebessa Marie education intern for Plan Cameroon,

Objective 5 (Gender Equality) Mr Waffo Cilrich gender statistic and SDGs specialist from UN Women, Actions of MINPROFF/MINAS in favour of indigenous girls and children in the  implementation Objectives 4 and 5 by Madame Mbala Nysayna Anne Marie from MINPROFF and experience shared by MBOSCUDA in the domain of education.

Challenges encountered during the implementation of objectives 4. Parents unable  to pay children’s fees and provide their basic school needs ,  lack of birth certificate and inaccessible nature of schools etc.


Some Recommendations formulated were : Government should take into account the specific needs of the indigenous children, ameliorate the participation of women in decision making processes, re-enforce collaboration of CSO and the government, intensify sensitization on the importance of education and build capacity of CSO that work with  women and girls  in order to promote and protect their rights.

This was organised through the financial support of Equality fund.