

Forum des Femmes Autochtones du Cameroun (FFAC) known in English as Cameroon Indigenous Women Forum (CAIWOF) was created in 2010. FFAC is the strong will of its members to contribute to the development of indigenous and forest people in general, Women and Girls in particular. The promoters of FFAC also intended to participate in the improvement of living conditions and the realization of the rights of indigenous Women and Girls through local actions designed to strengthen their personal capacities and to address their needs as well as mobilize them to participate in the decision-making body that can have impacts on their rights. The founder of FFAC and other sisters of the Mbororo community have always been preoccupied with the actions to be undertaken to break down the marginalization and discrimination of Indigenous Women and Girls, to encourage them to go to school and get other professional trainings to make them real actors of development.

Activities over the last three years have contributed to the achievement of FFAC’s objectives including capacity-building, psychosocial care for Indigenous Women and Girls victims of all forms of violation of their rights, support to girl’s education through scholarships, advocacy, research, review and amendment of some negative cultural practices, Peace consolidation and improving women livelihood to adopt climate change .


FFAC is well structured and her vision is to contribute to the Empowerment of
Indigenous Women and Girls in Cameroon by 2024


Our mission is to Support the Respect of the Rights of Indigenous Women and Girls in Cameroon


  • Accompany and support Indigenous Women and Girls victims of all forms of violence relating to their Rights
  • Lobby and Advocate for the respect of Indigenous Women and Girls rights
  • Promote the respect of the Rights of Women and Girls
  • Research Funding and Publications


  • General Assembly
  • Board of Directors
  • Executive Direction


  • Violence against Women and Girls
  • Child Marriage
  • Education
  • Political Participation of Women
  • Environment and Land Rights
  • Peace and Security
  • Social and Economic Empowerment of Women
  • Leadership


  • Ministry of Woman Empowerment
  • Ministry of Social Affairs
  • Ministry of Environment nature protection and sustainable development
  • National Commission on Human Rights and liberty
  • United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy In Central Africa
  • Girls not brides
  • FIMI
  • Land is life
  • Equality Fund
  • Amplify Change
  • GIZ Cameroon