11 June 22 0 h
FFAC 10 Anniversary Celebration? As activities to mark the 10 Anniversary of a Sport walk is organized on the 11 of June…
11 June 22 0 h
FFAC 10 Anniversary Celebration? As activities to mark the 10 Anniversary of a Sport walk is organized on the 11 of June…
11 June 22 0 h
ANNOUNCING FFAC/CAIWOF 10th ANNIVERSARY! On February 08, 2022, the Cameroon Indigenous Women's Forum clocks 10 years…
10 March 22 0
In Commemoration of the International Day of the Women 2022 FFAC will organize a consultation with Parents of Girls leaders…
10 December 20
Projection of a documentary on victims of GBV and economic reinsertion Yaounde the 10th of December 2020 at French Cultural…
08 December 20
Capacity building for victims of GBV on business management Yaounde from the 8-9 December 2020. These are women who recieved…
15 October 20
The winners of the Prize for Women Creativity in Rural life 2020 will be announce and the Handing over of the Award by the…