  • Posted on: 20 March 2020

Education is both a universal human right and a fundamental means to achieve other human rights .The rights of the Indigenous peoples is protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other Instruments UNDRIP which affirms and applies the right of education to the specific historical ,cultural ,economic and social circumstances of indigenous peoples. In spite of the protections afforded by these Instruments the rights to education has not been fully realized for most indigenous peoples . Cameroon’s education system and curricula lacks knowledge about indigenous peoples way of learning causing an educational gap for indigenous children .Schooling has been explicitly and implicitly a site of rejection of indigenous knowledge and language. In terms of accessing education, indigenous girls turn to be even more disadvantage than the indigenous boys .Gender issues are a common impediment to education for both boys and girls in indigenous communities .In these communities social norms prevent indigenous girls from attending schools. Families prefer girls to remain at home and perform domestic chores and care for siblings, and later on forced into early  marriages.This justifies the increasing rate of illiteracy amongst indigenous women and girls


  • 200 Girls were supported with school didactic materials by FFAC and Equality Fund in 2012 in Santa sub-division, North West Region  ,150 girls in Yaounde Center Region  ,Mayo- Darle in the  Adamawa Region and the West Region of Cameroon
  • 250 young girls have benefited from scholarships in eight Regions of Cameroon ranging from primary to secondary and university levels funded by FFAC and Equality Fund .
  • 500 parents were being sensitized on the importance of education especially that of the girl child.