  • Posted on: 15 March 2022

                Theme: Impact of Covid-19 on Early and Forced Marriage
To mark the 16 days of Activism to end violence against women and girls, the Indigenous Girls Rise mentored by Cameroon indigenous women forum (CAIWOF) organized a workshop on the 10th of December 2020 at Up- Station, Bamenda in the North West Region of Cameroon to discuss the Impact of Covid-19 on Early and Forced Marriage. There was brief explanation about the 16days of activism to end violence against women and girls and the importance to participate in this fight. This workshop was attended by a group of 15 girls in the North West region that has been heat with the Socio- political Crises for the past three years. These girls are expected to sensitize others on the dangers of child marriage and the importance of girl child education. It has as objectives to: explain sexual and gender based violence, and the different types of GBV, talk about gender inequality, discuss the Dangers of Child marriage, bring out the impact of covid-19 on early and force marriage, and bring out Recommendations on how to end Child marriage.
During this workshop, emphasis was laid on the Impact of covid-19 on early and force marriages in the indigenous communities which saw an increase in domestic violence, sexual exploitation of young girls, an Increase in the rate of child marriage, an increase in early and unwanted pregnancies, Economic exploitation of the girl child and high level of illiteracy among young girls.
Recommendations were outlined during this workshop to end violence against girls like , All girls should have a voice and be able to raise their voice, do not hesitate to denounce cases of violence against any woman and girl, Increase sensitization and education on the disadvantages of child marriage and the importance of girl child education, Parents should have open discussion with their children especially girls so that if a girl child is facing any challenges (sexual or physical harassment) they can feel free to talk to them and giving equal opportunities to both boys and girls in terms of education and other aspects.

