- Posted on: 06 August 2020
International Day of the World Indigenous Peoples August 09th 2020 AUGUST
Cameroon Indigenous Women Forum (CAIWOF) known in French as Forum des Femmes Autochthones du Cameroun (FFAC) joins the national and international community this year to commemorate the International Indigenous People Day under the theme “COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples’ Resilience”.
Since December 2019, more than 18 519 579 cases of COVID-19 including more than 700 539 deaths. According to the data, Cameroon had more than 17,255 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and more than 387 deaths.
Despite the efforts carried out by government and its development partners, including civil society organizations, people are still at risk. The situation of indigenous people especially women and girls are more complicated as many of them are living in poor conditions and in areas where access to information and other health services is difficult. The COVID-19 pandemic has serious consequences on the well-being, livelihoods and human rights of indigenous peoples in general and women in particular.
FFAC urges governments, academia, NGOs, the international community and indigenous peoples’ leaders to take specific measures that ensure respect for the rights of indigenous peoples especially women and girls during the pandemic according to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peoples and others human rights national, regional and international texts.
Done in Yaounde August 9th 2020
Executive Director
Aeisatu Bouba