  • Posted on: 18 May 2020

Some 65 internally displaced women and their families who are victims of the ongoing Socio-Political Crises in the North West and South West Region, seeking refuge in West Region have been given humanitarian aid. The humanitarian aid was provided to the women and their families in a ceremony that took place at the Koutaba Council hall on Thursday 27th June 2019, by an NGO known as Forum des Femmes Autochtones du Cameroon (FFAC) alongside their partner Amplify Change.

The ceremony was chaired by Mbouombouo Ismaila, the personal representative of the Divisional Officer for Koutaba, in the presence of the Mayor of koutaba, representatives from MINPROF, MINAS, Traditional and Religious Leaders. The Humanitarian Aid consisted of rice, salt, soap, oil, mosquito nets and financial packets to enable them invest in income generating activities.While presenting the Humanitarian package FFAC coordinator Madame Bouba Aeisatu Ibrahim encouraged the IDPs to have hopes while thanking those who have provided shelter to them. Madam Bouba equally wished that an inclusive dialogue should considered for lasting peace to return so that IDPs can go back to their areas and continue their daily preoccupations. Mbouombouo Ismaila, personal representative of the Divisional officer for Koutaba, praised the efforts made by Madam Bouba Aeisatu and her organization in ensuring the welfare of the indigenous people ‘‘Mbororos’’, while encouraging other organisations to emulate the example.

During the event a documentary on the Impact of the Socio-political crisis on the education of Mbororo women and girls was projected. The IDPs were equally schooled on cohesion and living together by the Lamido of Didago.  The IDPs used the event to present a catalogue of challenges amongst them; living under deplorable conditions following the looting, burning and destruction of their properties, threats, indiscriminate killings of their husbands and cattle, kidnappings and ransom taking amongst others. The lack of official documents like Identity cards and Birth certificates. The IDPs pleaded for more aid and to be assisted in the acquisition of the above mentioned documents.